Commercial Investment Real Estate

MAR-APR 2015

Commercial Investment Real Estate is the magazine of the CCIM Institute, the leading provider of commercial real estate education. CIRE covers market trends, current developments, and business strategies within the commercial real estate field.

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Commercial Investment Real Estate Dual Vision Walter S. Clements, CCIM, FRICS, CRE C CIM C O NNECTI O N S Walt Clements, CCIM, newly appointed executive vice president and CEO of the CCIM Institute, embodies the two worlds that CCIM inhabits: commercial real estate and educa- tion. T roughout his 40-year career, he has owned or managed several companies involved in brokerage, investment, development, and property management. On the education side, along with being a CCIM senior instructor, Clements was director for the Lewis White Real Estate Center at the University of Missouri in Kansas City, where he founded under- graduate and graduate degree programs in real estate. T rough his dual vision, Clements recognizes that today's market forces are in the Institute's favor. "T e U.S. continues to be the international safe choice for investments, attracting increasingly large amounts of global capital," he says. "Corporations are enjoying high prof ts and are expanding. T e demand for more commercial real estate expertise is on the rise. I hope to capitalize on these simple but signif cant market factors to increase the awareness and use of CCIM's education and membership platforms in the global market." When asked about specif cs, Clements cites CCIM's diverse member- ship base as creating "a powerful environment for productive networking. Lenders, developers, brokers, acquisitions analysts, property managers, and appraisers — all share the common interests of making money with each other while accessing the 'best practices' of their profession." Clements wants to ensure that CCIM resources are directed for maximum benef t to the mem- bership. As an example, he cites two new online networking tools, CCIM Connect and DealShare, which are being heavily promoted "so our mem- bers can maximize their use." Another high prior- ity will be fully developing "advanced education initiatives through the recently debuted blended learning model." "Never has there been a better time to be in the commercial real estate business," Clements adds. "It will be an exciting time for us all." Walt C lements , CC IM , new ly appointe d I nstitute , embodies the two worlds that C t ion. T rou g hout his 40- y ear career, he h a i n b ro k era g e, investment, d eve l opment, a n a l on g wit h b ein g a CCIM senior instru c Rea l Estate Center at t h e Universit y o f M g ra d uate an d g ra d uate d e g ree p T rou g h his dual vision, C in t he Institute 's favor. "T e f or investments, attracti n he sa y s. " Corporations a r d eman d f or more com m to capita l ize on t h ese s i t h e awareness an d use o in t h e gl o b a l mar k et." When asked about s pe ship base as creatin g " a po w Len d ers, d eve l opers, b ro k an d appraisers — a with each o p ro fe C ar b n w b it i

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